Is 1 Human Year 7 Dog Years? How to Calculate Dog Age?

How to calculate the age of dogs? By multiplying by 7? What exactly does science say about this?

Multiply by 7 when calculating dog age There is a common belief like. In fact, this is a simple and not very accurate calculation.

Because dogs age varies depending on gender and they age differently than humans.

The calculation that 1 dog year equals 7 human years is actually a myth.

Research published in the journal Small Animal Practice found that although it depends on the breed, a dog generally aged 12.5 years appeared. Of course, this is not 12.5 years in human years.

The first 15 years of human life is the first year of a medium-sized dog’s life. The second age of the dog is between the ages of the human and 16 to 24 years. After these 2 years, each human year equals 5 dog years.

So it is quite difficult to compare human age with dog age. Moreover, also When aging factors vary according to gender.

Small breeds age more slowly.

Smaller breeds, such as Jack Russell terriers, tend to age more slowly. We have a separate content written on this subject, We leave it below. Now let’s go back without digressing.


Why Do Small Dogs Live Longer Compared to Large Dogs? There Are Reasons That Are Hard To Guess!

In the small breeds we mentioned, The onset of old age is up to the age of 14. On the other hand, larger breeds such as Labrador retrievers enter old age around the age of 12.

Health problems that could potentially affect older dogs were also identified.

Weight loss or excess weight gain, It covered 35% of health problems affecting older dogs. Musculoskeletal problems, such as difficulty in moving, were in second place with 33%. Tartar build-up, periodontal disease and other dental diseases were at 31%, while skin-related problems were at 28%. Finally, digestive problems such as diarrhea and vomiting were determined to be 22%.

The study authors also “Aging Dog Tool Kit” they created. At the source, Symptoms to consider as dogs get older these:

  • Being constantly sleepy
  • Staggering while walking
  • Wandering around the house too much at night
  • appearing anxious

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