Is It Possible to Build Muscle with Mental Power?

How far can the power of the mind push the limits of the body? For example, can we build muscle with mental power? We present to you the results of an interesting study conducted on this subject.

in the literature “From mental power to muscle power—gaining strength by using the mind” Article titled (From mental strength to muscle strength – gaining strength by using the mind) striking facts revealed.

Muscle strength is achieved not only through physical training but also Whether it can be increased with mental training Let’s examine together the findings of this article, which aims to determine the

First of all, it is useful to examine the methodology.

In this study conducted using the experimental method, participants mental and physical training they are asked to do.

Within the scope of mental training, the participants’ muscles in the area to be examined mentally straining He is asked to train.

The average age of the participants is 29.7, 16 of them are male and 14 of them are female It is stated that .

By comparing the data collected after the mental and physical training of a total of 30 participants for a certain period of time, mental power in muscle formation effect Trying to detect.

So what do the findings show? Mental training is really effective in building muscle!

According to the results of the experiment, the participants who did mental training did not physically exercise their little fingers. 35% power increase and it is determined that this increase reaches 40% 4 weeks after the end of the training.

Those who do physical training have increased finger strength by 53% It is reported that there is an increase.

This finding shows that mental training is quite effective in increasing muscle strength, but a greater increase with physical training shows that it can be achieved.

Additionally, although the results show that mental training also increases large muscle groups, this increase more in small muscle groups It is found to be.

Additionally, mental training increases because the brain sends more signals to control muscles during mental training. Strengthens neural connections in the brain It is also stated that it increases muscle strength.

It is stated that mental training teaches the brain better how muscles work.

In this way, researchers say that even if the muscles are not physically exercised, the signals in the brain are can increase muscle activity He comments.

Finally, mental training should be done as if it were physical exercise. some physiological reactions in the body It is stated that this is why and this proves that mental training is really effective on the body.

In summary, this research shows how effective mental training can be in increasing muscle strength, addressing a topic that is part of our daily lives. to interesting results reaching.

Of course, as in every research, there may be some limitations in this research and generalization within its own sample Let’s end our content by reminding that it will be true.

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