Ministry of Commerce, from the internet in shopping withdrawal He shared a statement after news emerged that his rights had been revoked. So, will the right of withdrawal for some products from online shopping really be abolished? Here are the details!
Is the right of withdrawal removed from online purchases?
The Ministry of Commerce announced that the news that the right of withdrawal for certain purchases made over the internet has been abolished does not reflect the truth. The Ministry decided to implement the articles regarding changes in the right of withdrawal in such products. 10.08.2024 dated Official Gazette‘also published to the regulation according to Postponed until 01.01.2026 he stated.
Here is the statement on the subject:
“The news that the “right of withdrawal for certain purchases made over the internet” has been abolished, which comes to the fore from time to time, does not reflect the truth.
“The decision to implement the articles regarding changes in the right of withdrawal in the products in question has been postponed until 01.01.2026, according to the Regulation published in the Official Gazette dated 10.08.2024.”
So what do you think about this issue? Don’t forget to share your opinions with us in the comments section!
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