Instagram was reopened yesterday after a 9-day wait. Most users continued to use the platform with VPN or DNS setting changes. Despite this, the reopening of the platform was welcomed with joy on social media. However BTK Now he may have targeted Telegram. Here are the details about the Telegram ban and access block.
Telegram does not respond to BTK warnings! Telegram may be blocked by BTK
The agenda, which started with the closure of Instagram and then threats of closure for TikTok, stopped with the opening of Instagram. However, according to the special report of Barış Şimşek from Sabah, BTK has now targeted Telegram. In this sense, Telegram is facing a decision to shut down.
Accordingly, BTK has been warning Telegram about illegal channels for a long time. However, according to the emerging details, Telegram does not respond to these warnings. Accordingly, BTK may decide to block access for the Telegram messaging platform.
Judging by the details that emerged, Telegram is full of groups involved in pedophilia, drugs and women trafficking. Judging by the details of the news, BTK specifically requested the platform to provide admin and user information of the drug trafficking channel.
However, on Telegram, a person can store his/her own identity, name and phone number. Sharing this information, which is available only on Telegram, may also cause the platform to lose users. It is known that the platform is trying to shut down illegal groups.
It is a matter of curiosity how the platform, which immediately shuts down groups that share copyrighted content, will develop a solution for groups that share illegal content. BTK has issued more than a hundred warnings to the platform so far. However, the fact that the platform has not responded so far makes the situation worse.
So, do you think BTK should impose harsh sanctions such as Telegram ban, shutdown decision and access block? We are waiting for your comments.
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