The Apple M4 processor was first introduced with the iPad Pro, and there is no Mac powered by this processor yet. Towards the end of the year, Apple M4 series new processors (Pro, etc.) and computers powered by them are expected to be announced.
Mac Mini, one of the models that will be updated this year, will not only be renewed in terms of hardware. The design of the Mac Mini, which will come with Apple M4 and M4 Pro processor options, will also change completely.
M4 Mac Mini Comes with a New Design!
This will be the first major design change since 2010. It is stated that the new Mac Mini will shrink considerably and reach almost the size of an Apple TV. Mac Mini, which will continue with its aluminum chassis, will be slightly longer than the currently used model.
Apple will include at least three USB-C ports and an HDMI port on the back, along with the power cable. Some sources state that the Mac Mini with the Apple M4 processor will be released in the coming weeks, and the model powered by the M4 Pro will be released later in the year since this processor has not been introduced yet.
Knows No Rival: Here are Apple M4 Performance Tests!
Apple M4, which was announced together with the new iPad Pro, is virtually unrivaled in performance tests. Here is the high performance offered by the new processor!
With the addition of Apple M4 to MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, iMac, Mac Studio and Mac Pro, Apple will break new ground by using the same generation processor in all Macs. Of course, M4 Ultra style processors will be used in products such as Mac Pro.
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