Apple this week launched the new M3 MacBook Air with faster performance, Wi-Fi 6E, and dual external display support. Apple also addressed SSD storage speed, an issue experienced in the previous generation base model MacBook Air.
The standard M2 MacBook Air model with 256 GB storage offered slower SSD speed. This is because the base model uses one 256GB storage chip instead of two 128GB storage chips. This was a disadvantage for the M1 MacBook Air, which used two 128GB storage chips.
Enhanced Storage of MacBook Air with M3 Chip
Max Tech breaks down the product in its video on YouTube and confirms that the MacBook Air offers two 128GB storage chips rather than a single 256GB module.
Thus, the M3 MacBook Air’s two 128 GB NAND chips can significantly increase data transfer speeds by processing tasks in parallel.
M3 MacBook Pro Features and Price
One of the most eagerly awaited features of the new MacBook Pro is the M3 chip. Following the M1 and M2, the new M3 chips, which will take the user experience to the top in MacBooks, offer many advanced features.
Testing conducted by Max Tech found that the M3 MacBook Air can achieve write speeds of up to 2108 MB/s, up from the 1584 MB/s write speeds of the base M2 MacBook Air. In terms of read speeds, the M2 MacBook Air reached 1576 MB/s, while the M3 MacBook Air reached 2880 MB/s. This shows that the M3 MacBook Air has approximately 33% faster SSD write speeds and approximately 82% faster read speeds. These speeds match and sometimes exceed those of the M1 MacBook Air.
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