In a news we shared with you last year, Meta’s artificial intelligence-supported connection to WhatsApp and Instagram was announced. chat shoe than it will bring we mentioned. The bot, called Meta AI, was launched in the USA a while ago with a small user base. was starting to be tested.
Now Meta has introduced its new virtual assistant. with more WhatsApp users started testing. Lucky WhatsApp users in some countries have started seeing Meta AI. From here, your feature is coming soon spherical diameter We can infer that it may become usable. So what capabilities will Meta AI have in WhatsApp?
This is what Meta AI on WhatsApp looks like
Meta AI, your WhatsApp a new conversation It will appear as . The user who touches here will be able to ask the artificial intelligence anything he wants. Meta AI, which uses the artificial intelligence language model called Llama, can also be accessed through the search section on the WhatsApp chat page. The user who touches the search section, with quick suggestions will also meet.
A Feature is Coming to WhatsApp That Will Allow You to Share Statuses as Stories on Instagram
When will WhatsApp’s new feature reach all users? not sure. However, as we have just mentioned, the feature has started to be tested on a large scale. that you see on the horizon a clear indication.