Underwater project shelved
Walsh said teams have been working on the project and the trials have been successful; “We learned a lot about operations below sea level, vibration, and the effects on the server. “We will apply what we have learned to other cases.”
Microsoft as the main factor of this success to constant outside temperatures he pointed out. Another reason is that the data center is more efficient compared to reactive oxygen gas in the onshore data center. inert nitrogen gas being filled with. Although the end of the road has come for Project Natick, Microsoft has determined that underwater data centers are much more advantageous at the point of installation; installation time of 3 months compared to 2 years onshore.
Microsoft will use the data obtained from this project in future data centers. However, the need for data centers is greater than ever. More data centers will likely need to be built, especially to keep up with the current trend towards providing AI services.
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