OpenAI rakibi By establishing a partnership with Mistral brought up Microsoft Yesterday “AI Access Policies” announced its new working principles. Within the scope of these 11-item principles, Microsoft artificial intelligence data center infrastructure ve how to manage other important AI assets in the global market reveals.
The company says it is committed to enabling AI innovation and fostering competition by making its cloud computing and AI infrastructure, platforms, tools and services widely available and accessible to software developers around the world.
In this context, as the first item, the company As we increase chip capacity, Microsoft’s cloud computing artificial intelligence infrastructureenabling training and deployment of more basic models, both proprietary and open source, large and small will expand it states.
In the second article, Microsoft uses artificial intelligence models and development tools around the world. made available to software application developers states. Thus, the company states that every nation can build its own artificial intelligence economy.
Additionally, Microsoft is working to ensure choice and fairness across the AI economy. public APIs makes it available. In this context, developers can access and use artificial intelligence models hosted in Microsoft Azure. However, Microsoft is working to ensure that network operators support software developers. a common public APIIt supports . Additionally, developers can create AI models, tools, and applications for deployment and use on Microsoft Azure. via Azure Marketplace or directly to customers How they will distribute ve that they will sell will be able to choose.
Within the scope of the principles announced by Microsoft, developers are entitled to receive compensation from the training, creation, distribution or use of artificial intelligence models in Microsoft Azure. no non-public information or does not use data to compete with these models emphasizes. However, Microsoft uses Microsoft Azure customers to easily export their data It makes it easier for them to switch to another cloud provider.
Explaining that it supports the physical and cyber security needs of all artificial intelligence models and applications running in artificial intelligence data centers within the framework of the principles, Microsoft also has a strong Responsible AI Standard states that he implemented it. Under the title “Responsible Artificial Intelligence Standard”, the company Putting humans at the center of AI design decisions aims to keep. With this approach, the company states that it respects enduring values, including fairness, reliability and safety, privacy and security, inclusivity, transparency and accountability.
To expand artificial intelligence skills worldwide invests in startups The company cites the steps it has taken in Australia, the United Kingdom, Germany and Spain as examples. In the last article, Microsoft introduces artificial intelligence data centers. in an environmentally responsible way explains that it manages and uses artificial intelligence to advance environmental sustainability needs.
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