Physics professor Raymond Ashoori, one of the researchers conducting the study, said in a statement: “When I think about my entire career in physics, I That you can change the world in 10 to 20 years “This is the work I think about.” says. The team states that although their results were based on a single transistor in the laboratory, they were able to surpass today’s ferroelectric transistors in several aspects.
On the other hand, the superior features of the transistor include the ability to move between positive and negative charges at very high speeds, transition on nanosecond time scales It has the ability to do it. However, the new transistor is extremely durable, even after 100 billion switching cycles. does not show any deterioration is reported.
The material that makes these possible is one billionth of a meter thick, meaning it is one of the thinnest of its kind in the world. This makes much more dense storage possible. Material energy efficiency It also has an advantage on its side. Because the voltage required for switching is directly proportional to the material thickness. If the fineness increases, energy consumption tends to decrease.
What did MIT do?
The ferroelectric material developed by the MIT team is stacked parallel to each other. atomically thin bor nitrür It is based on layers. When an electric field is applied to this structure, the positions of the boron and nitrogen atoms shift slightly, as if they slide over each other. In this process, no degradation occurs and changes can be applied 100 billion times. As it is known, traditional in flash memories every time you write and delete information One Quantity deterioration occurs. Complex methods are used to prevent and get around this. The new material eliminates these.
Despite its seemingly limitless potential, there are some challenges that need to be resolved before the technology can be widely adopted. One of these is production. The team produced only a single transistor to perform the tests and study. The research team is also exploring triggering ferroelectricity through alternative methods, such as optical pulses, and testing the limits of the material’s switching capabilities, among other possibilities.
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