Eco Wave Power’s journey to harness the movement of coastal waters and generate electricity began in 2012 and has gone through several changes along the way. However, the basic logic is still the same. Platforms attached to a breakwater or coastal infrastructure rise and fall with the action of the waves, which in turn transports liquid to a land-based accumulator through the action of hydraulic pistons. The compressed hydraulic fluid is then released, driving the generator to produce electricity.
Eco Wave Power, its systems any time of the day While saying that it can work, he states that the buoys can be removed in conditions such as storms, typhoons or excessive waves. This eliminates possible damage. In addition to security, the system easy to install and maintain. There is also no need for extensive and long subsea cabling.
MW era in wave energy
Inna Bravermann, founder and CEO of Eco Wave Power, and her team recently met with key stakeholders to officially launch construction on this groundbreaking project. Porto field is only the first 1 megawatt It will not only have a wave energy station, but will also host a unique wave energy museum and education center under the breakwater.
Construction will start within the next two years and then the maximum 20 megawatt capacity It is expected to be expanded at four points. “We believe that this will be the first wave energy project in the world that provides significant energy production from the power of waves,” Bravermann said.
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