Native microphone will provide sensitive listening for emergencies

Within METU, where it is placed in case of emergency A fiber optic microphone was designed to be able to listen sensitively and notify the relevant charity organization.

METU Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department Lecturer Prof. Dr. Barış Bayramfor fiber optic microphone He said that they worked at METU ULTRAMEMS Research Laboratory for 3 years.

Stating that METU Technology Transfer Office provided them with support in this process. Holiday“Turkish, European and US patents were obtained for our microphone project in 4 years and 8 months.” said.

While developing the fiber optic microphone project Stating that they received financial support from TÜBİTAK, Bayram said, “We have achieved something new with this work. We continue to work to ensure that this success creates commercial value. “We are currently continuing our work on second generation fiber optic microphones and the innovations that can be derived from them, within the scope of TÜBİTAK’s new project call,” he said.

Bayram stated that they see microphone design as a security application in large buildings with 1000 rooms, hotels or a much more comprehensive system. “These are very small, undetectable systems. The microphone will be able to detect where it is placed in case of a fire or when an elderly person in need of care calls ‘help’ and immediately notify the necessary institution accordingly.” he said.

Explaining that microphones can instantly collect sound and other information from all sides when installed inside the building, Bayram said, “They can also carry sound waves, especially when there is a need in situations such as earthquakes. These are very sensitive systems and can be modified to detect small vibrations for earthquakes. We normally use acoustics here.” “We predicted sound waves, but if new supports are available, this frequency range can also be adjusted.” said.

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