TikTokThanks to its strong position in the market and being a useful platform, it inspires many social media platforms. Especially Instagram Reels A new rival is added to TikTok, with which we are in a race with its features.
Another application of Meta FacebookInspired by the full-screen view of videos on TikTok, it announced that it has introduced the same feature for videos on its platform. Now, Facebook, just like TikTok and Reels full screen video player with portrait and landscape view gained its feature.
How to Download Instagram Reels Video?
Instagram Reels does not allow direct video downloading. Fortunately, there are various online tools that allow downloading videos uploaded to the image-based social media platform.
Facebook Also Joins the Competition
With Facebook’s new design, Reels videos in the application are now available. Facebook Live and long videos will open full screen by default. This new design will be available to users in the USA and Canada in the first phase.
A number of trials have been made and implemented for the platform before. With the new update, the video player now automatically plays vertical videos. full screen will open. However, people who want to watch horizontally will be able to continue using the full screen in the horizontal version by turning the phone.
The appearance of this new full-screen video player from Facebook will also change completely. Again, as in Reels and TikTok, it will be possible to fast forward or rewind the video, as well as the option to pause it.
in the USA and Canada iOS ve Android It is thought that after users get this feature within a few weeks, it will be active all over the world in the coming days.
Source link: https://www.tamindir.com/haber/facebook-yeni-ozellik_87299/