New limit for international orders: 27 euros including shipping fee

Additional customs taxes are imposed on products ordered from abroad and the shopping limit is limited. From 150 euros to 30 euros We told you last August that it fell we had transferred. Afterwards, the price of the products shipping fee It was announced that it would also be added.

Just a month after the new limit for international shopping was 30 euros including shipping costs, the duty-free shopping limit changed again. According to the statement made by the Ministry of Commerce, in foreign shopping 3 euro freight The cost will also be taken into account.

In short, the duty-free shopping limit from abroad, which is 30 euros including shipping fee, has increased with the new regulation. 27 euros including shipping fee It was updated as . The product limit, which was 2 thousand, was reduced to 500 with the new regulation. new limits, December 27, 2024 It will come into force from the date.

Let us also remind you that until just 5 months ago, this limit was 150 euros, excluding shipping costs. With the new regulations, it has become very difficult to shop duty-free from abroad. You can find the official statement below.

The value of the goods is determined according to the submitted invoice, sales receipt or document indicating that the price of the goods has been paid. If such a document cannot be submitted or the value registered in the submitted document is found to be low, the value of the goods is determined by the customs administration. For goods arriving by mail or fast cargo transportation within the scope of the provisions of this Circular, transportation expenses incurred to the port or place of entry in Turkey are added to the value of the goods. In delivery methods that include freight expense, the price actually paid or to be paid for the goods and the freight expense are shown separately in the submitted invoice, sales receipt or document stating that the price of the goods has been paid. In cases where the freight expense is not shown separately in these documents, an equivalent freight expense of 3 (three) euros is added to the price actually paid or payable. In delivery methods where freight expense is not included, in cases where the presentation of a freight receipt is impossible or not acceptable, an equivalent freight expense of 3 (three) euros is added to the price actually paid or payable. In the simplified customs declaration, the value of the goods and the freight expense are declared separately in the relevant sections of the transportation bill.

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