“No money, yes service” move from the coffee giant. South Korea’s technology giant Naver has literally built the Starbucks of the future. So, what sets this Starbucks apart from others? The answer is very simple, of course servant robots. Exactly 100 robots, who no longer have to worry about paying salaries, serve customers for Starbucks. Here are the details…
No salary, no complaints! Exactly 100 robots started serving for Starbucks
Naver 1784, where this Starbucks branch is located, is a 36-storey technology center located in Seongnam and opened in 2022. Here, autonomous service robots called “Rookie” fulfill orders at Starbucks and other service points. Approximately 100 Rookie robots serve coffee, takeout and lunch on a daily basis. They neither get tired nor complain.
Rookie is a wheeled servant robot with compartments that can carry food, drinks or other items that serve Starbucks. These robots run on Naver’s AI, Robot, and Cloud (ARC) system, a cloud-based platform. Rookie works integrated with Roboport, a special robot elevator that provides fast access between floors.
Another robot that helps Rookie is porterage making and bring and take away doing their job Ambidex. This dual-armed robot can safely interact with people at Starbucks thanks to its new and advanced force transfer mechanisms. Designed for high precision and speed, Ambidex can also successfully carry out high load carrying tasks.
Naver has concentrated its robot research in three main areas: The proliferation of service robots, natural interaction between humans and robots, and artificial intelligence for robots. The ARC platform enables these robots serving Starbucks to work seamlessly with humans using high-precision data and pioneering algorithms.
Naver’s on their website As noted, “In 1784, daily services become daily tests, and each day’s problems inspire the next day’s updates. In this way, robots are developing more and more every day.” says.
It is truly fascinating how these robots serving Starbucks in Naver 1784 work so harmoniously and effectively with humans. In the future, we will see such technologies become more widespread in our daily lives. Do you think this situation is terrible or not? Is it possible to overcome what happened? You can write your opinions in the comments section below.
Source link: https://shiftdelete.net/maas-yok-hizmet-starbucks-100-robot