Ömer Bolat: Sales on Instagram are not within the scope of e-commerce

Unregistered sales cause tax revenues to decrease

Minister BolatPointing out that purchase and sale transactions made on Instagram and similar social media platforms are carried out by contacting the phone number or WhatsApp application, he said, “Therefore, sales carried out through direct communication tools upon promotions made on Instagram and similar social media platforms are not considered e-commerce and are not subject to the relevant law.” “It is not included in the scope.” said.

Pointing to the Law on the Regulation of Electronic Commerce, Bolat said that in the said Law Trendyol, Hepsiburada ve Food basket He said that the commercial activities of marketplaces such as and businesses that sell their goods and services in these marketplaces or in their own electronic commerce environment are regulated.

Bolat stated that in order for any commercial transaction to be considered electronic commerce and fall within the scope of the said Law, it must be carried out without physical confrontation or direct communication tools such as telephones, the purchase and sale contract must be made electronically, or the order must be placed electronically.

Stating that social media platforms such as Instagram allow businesses and individuals to promote their goods and services, Bolat said, “The contract for the supply of goods or services is not made through Instagram. The buying and selling process is carried out by contacting the phone number or WhatsApp application.

For this reason, sales made through direct communication tools based on promotions made on Instagram and similar social media platforms are not considered electronic commerce and are not within the scope of the relevant Law. Sales made through Instagram and generally unregistered, decrease in tax revenues Emphasizing that this is the reason, Bolat shared the following information on this subject:

These sellers gain an advantage by creating unfair competition against businesses that fulfill their legal obligations. Since it is not possible to reach these sellers, consumer grievances may occur due to problems that arise during or after the sale.

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Source link: https://www.donanimhaber.com/omer-bolat-instagram-daki-satislar-e-ticaret-kapsaminda-degil–180330