Operation Dawn was Held for Cyber ​​Criminals

The Ministry of Internal Affairs has recently to cyber crimes is focused. In this context; We have shared with you many operations performed in the recent past. Now, a new operation statement has come from the Minister of Internal Affairs, Ali Yerlikaya. “CYBERAG-5It was announced that 54 suspects were captured within the scope of the operations.

According to the statement made by Ali Yerlikaya, within the scope of the operation carried out under the leadership of the Gendarmerie General Command’s Cyber ​​Crimes Department, illegal betting, qualified fraud, entering into information systems and online child obscenity Suspects wanted for crimes were caught. Minister Yerlikaya, Announced that 20 people were arrested.

54 suspects were caught in the “SIBERAĞ-5” operations organized by the Gendarmerie in 23 provinces against the crimes of “Illegal Betting, Aggravated Fraud, Hacking into the Information System and Online Child Obscenity”!

20 of them were arrested.
Judicial control and foreign travel ban measures were implemented against 24 of them. Others’ operations continue.

Our virtual patrols are on duty 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in Cyber ​​Homeland!

Under the coordination of Gendarmerie General Command’s Anti-Cyber ​​Crimes Department; Provincial Gendarmerie Commands in Aydın, Adana, Aksaray, Amasya, Ankara, Antalya, Balıkesir, İstanbul, Konya, Niğde, Sakarya, Yalova, Zonguldak, Çanakkale, Mersin, Kahramanmaraş, Tekirdağ, İzmir, Kocaeli, Ağrı, Düzce, Afyonkarahisar and Şırnak. In the “CYBERAĞ-5” operations;

As a result of the studies carried out by the Aydın Provincial Gendarmerie Command Cyber ​​Crimes Branch Directorate; In the operations carried out in Adana, Aksaray, Amasya, Ankara, Antalya, Balıkesir, Istanbul, Konya, Niğde, Sakarya, Yalova and Zonguldak, centered in Aydın;
35 suspects, who were found to victimize citizens and make unfair profits by allowing betting and gambling on foreign betting and online gambling sites, were caught.

14 of them were arrested.
A judicial control decision was given for 18 of them.

As a result of the studies carried out by the Ankara Provincial Gendarmerie Command’s Cyber ​​Crimes Branch Directorate; In the second wave operations centered in Ankara and held in Adana, Antalya, Istanbul, Çanakkale, Mersin and Kahramanmaraş;
6 suspects who were found to be allowing citizens’ personal data to be questioned on the internet through the query panel for a fee were caught. All 6 were arrested.

As a result of the work carried out by the Tekirdağ Provincial Gendarmerie Command’s Anti-Cyber ​​Crimes Branch Directorate, in the second wave operations organized in Tekirdağ-centered Istanbul, Izmir and Kocaeli;
6 suspects who were found to have made unfair profits by defrauding citizens with the promise of “Ministry of Finance distributes family aid” through social media applications were caught. Judicial control and foreign travel ban measures were implemented against 6 of them.

As a result of the work carried out by the Cyber ​​Crimes Branch Directorates of Afyonkarahisar, Antalya, Ağrı, Balıkesir, Düzce, Sakarya and Şırnak Provincial Gendarmerie Commands;
In open source research; 6 suspects who were found to be storing and publishing obscene images of children and adults were caught. Operations continue.

As a result of the operations;
A large number of computers, portable memory, mobile phones, SIM cards, foreign currency and Turkish Lira were seized.

I congratulate our Hero Gendarmerie who carried out the operations. May God not let a stone touch your feet. Our nation’s prayers are with you.

Source link: https://www.webtekno.com/icisleri-bakanligi-siberag-5-operasyonu-h147702.html