Poco announced that it would introduce the mid-segment Poco X7 series for the global market and India on January 9. With the posts made by the brand, the rear designs of the X7 and X7 Pro models were officially revealed. It was also stated that an entry-level model called X7 Neo is also part of the series. However, it is not yet clear whether the X7 Neo will be introduced on the same day as other models.
In the published official images, the X7 and X7 Pro models appear to have yellow-black dual-tone rear panels. Significant differences in the designs of the models attract attention. Both phones come with a 50-megapixel primary camera with OIS support. While the Poco X7 has a triple camera setup, the X7 Pro appears to be equipped with a dual camera.
Poco has not yet made an official statement about the technical specifications of the X7 and X7 Pro models. However, according to current rumors, it is claimed that the X7 will have similar features with the Redmi Note 14 Pro and the X7 Pro will have similar features with the Redmi Turbo 4, which will be introduced in China on January 2.
In this regard, it is estimated that the X7 will come with a Dimensity 7300-Ultra processor and the X7 Pro will come with a Dimensity 8400-Ultra processor. As you may remember, while the previous models Poco X6 came with the Snapdragon 7s Gen 2 processor, Dimensity 8300-Ultra was used in the Poco X6 Pro.
How much will members of the Poco X7 series have to pay?
Product pages for the X7 and X7 Pro models have been published on Flipkart in India. This shows that Poco’s new phones will be offered for sale on this platform, as with previous models.
In terms of pricing, based on the predecessor models, Poco X7 is expected to go on sale with a price tag of approximately 22,000 rupees (9085 TL), and
Source link: https://www.teknoblog.com/poco-x7-x7-pro-tasarim-dogrulandi/