According to The Hollywood Reporter, DC Films has begun preparations for a live-action (non-animated) Teen Titans movie. Ana Nogueira will write the script of this movie, which will be part of the new cinematic universe. Nogueira is also writing the script for Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow. Nogueira, whose only previous work has been a short film, seems to have influenced DC management.
Teen Titans Will Also Be Part of the DC Cinematic Universe
The Teen Titans team, which has previously been the subject of various animated series and films as well as a live action series, consists of the young assistants of DC’s main heroes. These sidekicks such as Robin, Kid Flash, and Wonder Girl are accompanied by other young heroes such as Raven and Starfire.
These characters, who have never found a place in the DC Cinematic Universe before, will enter James Gunn’s new cinematic universe from the very first stage. It is thought that the fact that Teen Titans is among the best-selling DC Comics series in recent years was effective in this decision.
A release date has not yet been announced for the Teen Titans movie. However, since the film’s preparation process has just begun, it is certain that we will have to wait at least a few years.
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