A remarkable move came from the mobile conductor giant Qualcomm. The company announced that Snapdragon 8 Elite less powerful quietly announced a version of it. The processor with the code “SM8750-3-AB” is a little more affordable flagship phones will give life.
Between the new version of Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Elite and the original version there is a very small difference. This difference is that the new processor has 7 CPU cores. Let’s explain right away; The original Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Elite had two prime cores running at 4.32 GHz and 6 performance cores running at 3.53 GHz. Performance cores in the new version not one of them is included.
It is not clear which phones it will be available on.
Other features of the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Elite, coded M8750-3-AB, listed on Qualcomm’s official website, were announced last October. announced with original version exactly the same. On the other hand; It is also known in which smartphones the new processor will be used. uncertain for now.
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Meanwhile; Qualcomm has been “Snapdragon 8s EliteIt is also on the agenda with another processor named “. However, it is not Snapdragon 8s Elite with M8750-3-AB. Because, according to previously revealed information, the processor being worked on will have the same core configuration as Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 3, which is used in most of the 2024 model flagship phones. .So with this model Snapdragon 8s Elite not to be confused.