Realme C63 was launched in May. The phone, which was released in India after three months, was presented to users with a new processor and some feature drops. Here are the Realme C63 5G features and price with all its details!
Realme C63 5G Features and Price
Realme C63 5G’s 6.67-inch IPS LCD screen offers HD + resolution and 120 Hz refresh rate. The 1/3.1-inch main camera with a resolution of 32 Megapixels on the back of the device has an f/1.85 aperture. While this camera is accompanied by an auxiliary sensor whose details have not been disclosed yet, the front camera has a resolution of 8 Megapixels.
The phone, which has a 5000 mAh battery, can offer up to 10W fast charging, unlike the 45W fast charging support on the C63. The phone, which comes with a charger in its box, which is unusual today, comes out of the box with Realme UI 5.0 based on the Android 14 operating system.
The starting price of the phone (4 GB RAM and 128 GB storage), which comes in two different color options: Starry Gold and Forest Green, is $ 130. The version with 8 GB RAM is priced at $155.
Cheap Phone Offering 45W Fast Charging: Realme C63 Features and Price
In this guide, we will answer frequently asked questions about Realme C63 features and price. Here are the details about the Realme brand cheap smartphone model!
Of course, we would like to remind you that these prices are valid for the Indian market and it is currently unknown whether this model will come to our country.
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