Considered the first direct evidence of water
This discovery could radically change our knowledge of the Moon’s past and future. Lunar soil samples collected by the Chang’e-5 spacecraft in 2020, at the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) was examined by researchers.
Chinese scientists In a recent study published in the journal Nature Astronomy, the findings in question were found in the study area, which is extremely rich in water and ammonium molecules. in the form of a hydrated mineral It was reported that it was detected.
This discovery confirms the existence of water on the Moon. first direct evidence has the feature of being. Previous research showed that there may be water ice at the poles of the Moon. But this is the first time such a clear water molecule has been found. According to NASA, this latest discovery refutes a previous conclusion based on samples returned decades ago by American Apollo astronauts that found no traces of water.
Apollo astronauts Samples brought back by led scientists to conclude that the lunar soil must be completely dry. Following this discovery, researchers will continue their work to better understand the source and distribution of water on the Moon.
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