Sony treats PS5 Pro as a next-generation console, console-specific game edition

According to The Verge, Sony‘s senior
PlayStation 5 It is said that he requested that they create a special graphics mode in the games for his model. This model combines 60fps and ray tracing features, upscaling up to 4K resolution with Sony’s new PlayStation Spectral Super Resolution (PSSR) technology.

Games that offer this mode PS5 Pro It is stated that it carries the “Enhanced” label. However, it is stated that this tag can also be used for some games running at 30fps. It is stated that games with fixed resolution may carry this label as developers increase the target resolution on PS5 Pro, while games with variable resolution may receive the label if they increase their maximum target resolution.

this is PS5 ProFor a game with a higher maximum resolution in PS5 This may mean that the model may receive the “Enhanced” label with a lower resolution. Even enabling the ray tracing feature and not increasing the resolution or frame rate can be enough for the label.

Sony treats PS5 Pro as a next-generation console, console-specific game edition

However, variable resolution games that only run at a more stable frame rate or do not increase the maximum resolution do not receive this label. For example, a game with a resolution ranging from 1080p to 1440p on the base PS5 will not receive the tag if it has a resolution range from 1280p to 1440p. This happens because the minimum variable resolution increases, but the maximum remains the same.

Developers who want to use this mode
SonySome games need to update to SDK, but are not updated PS5 ProIt can still perform better in . “Ultra boost” mode helps in improving frame rates and resolutions. However, many unpatched games with fixed resolution and graphics settings may not see improvement with this mod.

Sony has not yet responded or responded to these reports. PS5 Prohas not officially announced the console, but rumor has it that the console could be released later this year.

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