Minister of Treasury and Finance Mehmet Şimşek announced that taxes will be applied to the income obtained from cryptocurrency markets and traditional stock exchanges. However, the amount of this tax is not yet clear.
Minister of Treasury and Finance Mehmet SimsekHe attended the consultation meetings organized by the AK Party in Ankara Kızılcahamam. Minister Şimşek, who made a presentation here, made a new statement about the Turkish economy. This statement is most relevant to the stock market and cryptocurrency investors It concerns.
In fact, the government has already brought a regulation regarding cryptocurrencies to the Parliament agenda. Still in the Official Gazette unpublished This regulation ensured that crypto assets were recognized and placed under a framework. However, in the said regulation, there are no regulations regarding taxation. there was nothing. Here is the new statement made by Mehmet Şimşek regarding the taxation of investors.
Tax will be withheld from income earned in stock exchanges
Minister of Treasury and Finance Mehmet Şimşek’s statement on the subject was as follows:
It is the same in the world, if an income is generated, there should be a tax on it. Crypto assets, exchange-traded assets, mutual funds, etc. They need to be disciplined.
The statement was made by citizens who trade both in the traditional stock market and in the cryptocurrency markets. tax will be charged it reveals. However, the scope of this regulation is not yet clear. Well what percentage The issue of whether a tax will be collected still remains a mystery.
For the full text of the cryptocurrency law, which was brought to the agenda of the Parliament in the past weeks:
BREAKING NEWS: Complete Text of the Cryptocurrency Law Shared
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