Tensor G5 produced by TSMC was displayed
Android AuthorityGoogle’s TSMC It was displayed in public databases that he collaborated with. Information obtained from databases shows that Google transports goods between countries. According to the resulting image, Google purchased a product in the semiconductor category. Taiwan to India carried it. The image that appeared in the database does not contain the name Tensor G5, but the term LGA is used in the “Description of Goods” tab of the document, and allegedly LGA was used as an abbreviation of Laguna Beach, which Google gave to the Tensor G5 chip set. According to the A0 and NPI-OPEN phrases appearing in the product description, this product is imported from Taiwan. One of the first versions of Tensor G5 someone. In addition, the 16GB SEC statement in the same document indicates that Tensor G5 is currently 16GB RAM It reveals that it has been tested with.
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