The Super Bowl trailer of the TV series Knuckles, which will be the first spin-off of the Sonic the Hedgehog movie adaptation, created excitement. The series, which will first air on Paramount+ on April 26, 2024, introduces Knuckles, voiced by Idris Elba, who reprises his role in the 2022 film Sonic the Hedgehog.
Knuckles TV series trailer was released during the Super Bowl
The trailer, released before the Super Bowl, attracted great attention and was reported to have broken a record among Paramount+ series trailers on social media platforms. Paramount took advantage of the family-friendly atmosphere of Nickelodeon’s Super Bowl to promote Knuckles, showcasing appearances from the show’s characters alongside beloved Nickelodeon favorites.
Knuckles will be voiced by Idris Elba, just like in the 2022 Sonic movie. The success of the Sonic the Hedgehog movies at the box office also saw success in terms of profit. The film earned a global box office of $725.2 million against a total budget of $195 million.
Sonic’s third theatrical movie is scheduled to be released on December 20, 2024, and reports indicate that Shadow and Rouge will also be included in the cast. The Knuckles series will be broadcast on the Paramount+ platform with its first 6 episodes on April 26.
It is currently unknown on which platform the series will be broadcast in Turkey. However, as soon as it becomes clear, we will share it with you here. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that Knuckles is the most beloved character in the franchise after Sonic. What do you think about the Knuckles TV series trailer? Please don’t forget to share your thoughts with us in the comments.
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