The Poco Pad tablet was introduced last May, but it was available to users without cellular connection support. The launch date of the 5G supported version of the tablet has been announced. Poco Pad 5G will be introduced on August 23. The post made by Poco on X shows that there will be pen and keyboard support in Poco Pad 5G. However, these accessories will be sold separately. The tablet has a 12.1 inch 120 Hz screen. The maximum brightness level of this screen is 600 nits. It is worth remembering that these are also available in the Wi-Fi model announced in May. Will there be any difference between Poco Pad 5G and the standard version? It remains unclear at the moment whether there will be any difference between the 5G version and the standard version other than 5G support. It is worth noting that Poco Pad’s Qualcomm Snapdragon 7s Gen 2 processor is also 5G compatible. The official announcement of Poco Pad 5G will be made exactly one week later. It will not be a surprise to see other posts about the tablet from Poco over the next week.
The article The launch date of the Poco Pad 5G tablet has been announced first appeared on Teknoblog.
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