Dogs and humans have so much in common, right? They can be sad, happy or sick just like us. In fact, some of their diseases are exactly the same as people’s diseases.
So, do you know which are the most common disorders in dogs? Our paw friends Which health problems do you struggle with the most?
Theirs their age, race or physical characteristics What role does it play in these diseases?
The most common ailments in dogs:
gum diseases
Dogs immediately after eating food, saliva, bacteria and other particles, It forms a sticky layer called plaque on your teeth. These plaques can harden over time and turn into tartar.
Tartar is hard to remove a rough and hard substance. It’s also a great place for more vinyl to accumulate and grow. Both plaques and tartar are rich in bacteria. These bacteria can cause gum disease and produce an acid that erodes dogs’ teeth.
Thus, tooth decay occurs. If your dog; bad breath, bleeding gums or if there is a loss of interest in food and chew toys, there may be tooth decay.
ear infections
Various particles or debris can get stuck in dogs’ ears. Since long and narrow ear canals are also supported by a sharp bend, His ears make it difficult to keep them clean. Additionally, some dogs or breeds may be more prone to ear infections than others.
Especially dogs with floppy and long ears have an even higher risk of developing ear infections. If your dog repeatedly scratches his ears, excessive scrubbing, discharge, bad odor, or lack of balance If so, he may have an ear infection.
In fact, obesity is one of the increasingly common health problems in both humans and dogs. Dogs of all breeds may experience weight problems from time to time. To keep our furry friends like us fit and healthy. a balanced diet and the right amount of exercise he needs.
If your dog has been having trouble breathing lately, If he sleeps frequently and gets tired easilyIf you have a thick neck and a rounder face, you may have a weight problem.
anal sac compression
On both sides of the dogs’ butts, it allows dogs to recognize each other by smelling each other’s butts, helps to mark their territory, and also helps dogs recognize each other by smelling their butts. two small glands that produce a smelly, oily liquid is available.
In fact, the anal sac of dogs usually empties naturally when pooping, but If the gland becomes blocked, it can become infected. Thus, pain and swelling may occur in the butt area.
If your dog frequently rubs its butt against something or If there are changes in the color of the anal gland fluidmay be struggling with anal sac compression.
overgrown nails
Long nails of dogs; tearing, splitting, breaking and cracking more common. This is a very painful process for them. Additionally, when a dog stands or walks with long nails, it unintentionally puts pressure on the wrong parts of its feet.
This means that it can easily spread to other parts of their paws and Pain and discomfort that may cause limping Why does it happen?
Just like humans, dogs swallow things that are difficult or impossible to digest. They vomit to regurgitate. However, sometimes vomiting can be a sign of a different underlying disease.
Precision Visual
A dog; changes in diet, stress and parasites Diarrhea can occur due to many different health problems, including reasons such as: If your dog’s diarrhea is accompanied by other things, it would be beneficial to visit a veterinarian.
Arthritis is actually most severe in older dogs but can develop at any age. a painful and common disorder. Heavier dogs and larger breeds are much more likely to suffer from this condition.
If your dog’s joints are swollen, If you observe a general startle or stiffness in some areas He may be struggling with arthritis.
In summary, among the health problems that dogs frequently encounter are; gum disease, ear infections, obesity, anal sac compressionlong nails, diarrhea, vomiting and arthritis. Of course, veterinary visits play an important role in diagnosing all these disorders. This content is for preliminary informational purposes only.
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