Interbank Card Center (BKM) 2024 June data shared. According to data, the number of credit cards in Turkey as of June to 124.1 million units When reaching, the number of bank cards 191.8 million happened. Number of prepaid cards 96 million units Let us state that it is.
Compared to June 2023 15 percent increase in the number of credit cards is seen. With this, number of debit cards 7 percent ve 20 percent on the number of prepaid cards Let’s add that there is an increase. at this point total number of cardscompared to the same period last year 12 percent increase showing to 411.9 million units reached.
Payments made with credit cards, debit cards and prepaid cards in June total payment amount compared to the same period of the previous year 1,267.6 billion TL with an increase of 98 percent happened.
Card payments 1,056.8 billion TLThis was done with credit cards. Card payments 186.2 billion TL When using bank cards, 24.6 billion TL Prepaid cards were preferred. Compared to the same period of the previous year for payments made by credit card growth rate 105 percent happened. This metric applies to payments made by debit card. 65 percent, For payments made with prepaid cards 132 percent happened.
Total number of payments made with credit cards, debit cards and prepaid cards in June compared to the same period of the previous year increased by 17 percent to 1.55 billion units happened. Card payments 887.8 million credit cards It was done with. While debit cards were preferred for 553.7 million card payments, prepaid cards were used for 110.5 million.
The growth rate in the number of payments made by credit cards compared to the same period of the previous year 21 percent happened. This metric applies to the number of payments made with debit cards. 9 percentin the number of payments made with prepaid cards 36 percent It showed itself as.
Online card payments
Compared to the same period last year increased by 101 percent online card payments, to 349.7 billion TL rose. The share of online card payments in total was 27 percent. The number of online card payments increased by 11 percent compared to the same period last year, reaching 207.2 million.
Compared to the same period last year 28 percent The number of contactless payments made with cards increased, 1,027.5 million units happened. Contactless payment amount compared to the same period last year increased by 125 percent ve 409.4 billion TL happened.
Last done in-store in June Approximately 4 out of every 5 card payments are contactless It is worth noting that it happened.
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