According to a new climate model, we will be exposed to increasing temperatures during El Niño periods when temperatures increase.
Depending on the winds and currents over the Pacific Ocean, we see one of two different climate phenomena: La Nina sees El Nino. El Nino opens the door to a period in which the weather is generally warmer. So much so that it can sometimes trigger drought in Africa, heat waves that are effective even in countries such as Canada, and other environmental disasters such as fires.
In new research The boy While it was stated that temperatures increased with the coming of age and events such as drought and natural disasters were encountered more frequently, it was also stated that in this process, the heat hidden in the ocean floor reached the atmosphere. If critical thresholds are exceeded, El Nino cycles will become even more challenging from now on.
Return may be impossible
This is not the scariest part of the research: If temperatures increase further, our planet may reach a point of no return. Even if global warming is reversed to point 0, the planet will not return to normal after that point. 200 years of time will take.
Even if we leave aside the dire consequences of the model globally The effects of climate change have begun to affect our lives. On the other hand, this study presents at least only one model, so the situation may be different. Still, climate change is no laughing matter.
Research Geophysical Research LettersIt was published in .
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