As you know, although the development of artificial intelligence gives very positive results, there is still a reason for those who use this technology well in certain sectors to get ahead of others: With the new artificial intelligence called GPTZero, texts printed on various models can be revealed.
How consistently does GPTZero work?
The rapid development and widespread use of artificial intelligence technologies also brings up some ethical issues. The issue of having content written by artificial intelligence in order to save time and labor, especially in the education and publishing sectors, has been on the agenda lately.
GPTZero, developed by Princeton University student Edward Tian as a solution to this problem, claims that it can detect texts produced by artificial intelligence.
This artificial intelligence model has two different methods to understand whether a text is written by a human or an artificial intelligence: The first method measures the unpredictability of the text. The other method looks at how complex and incomprehensible the sentence seems. These criteria are brought together to produce a percentage result.
This new technology is specifically designed for teachers to use as students complete their homework using artificial intelligence. In addition, we can say that content producers can use the tool to check whether original text is produced.
Developed application here You can take a look by clicking. The artificial intelligence model allows you to check 7 pages of text without logging in, and 40 pages of text per day if you log in. You can also upgrade to a paid subscription for more detailed scanning models.
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