TikTok Statement from the President of the Digital Media Commission

Hüseyin Yayman, Chairman of the Turkish Grand National Assembly Digital Media Commission, made statements about TikTok. Yayman described the platform as a national security concern and stated that the nation wants TikTok to be closed.

Access barriers have been on Turkey’s agenda for the last few days. We first saw that Instagram was closed on August 2. Yesterday, access to the much-loved game Roblox was blocked due to inappropriate content.

While discussions on this issue continue, the Chairman of the Turkish Grand National Assembly Digital Media Commission From Hüseyin Yayman About TikTok A statement came that frightened users.

“TikTok is a national security issue for Türkiye”

Hüseyin Yayman talked about TikTok, one of the most popular social media platforms. While Yayman said that the posts were strange, he said that they did not have any attitude as a commission regarding the blocking of access. BTK’s attitude he stated. He added that the nation wants TikTok to be shut down:

“The TikTok issue is a problem for Türkiye. it is a matter of national security. The posts are so strange and disconnected from reality that it is impossible to approve them. As a commission, we have no stance on shutting down TikTok or imposing an access ban; this is the attitude of the Information Technologies Authority (BTK). But if you ask me as the chairman of the commission, politics is done together with the nation. Our nation wants TikTok to be shut down.”

Yayman; He added that the citizens he encountered in Hatay, Ankara, Adana, Mersin and Istanbul complained about TikTok and said they wanted the platform to be closed. His subsequent statements are as follows:

“I don’t use TikTok. People who see me on the street say, ‘If you close this TikTok, you will open the door to heaven.’ There are a very serious number of criticisms and complaints about TikTok. Unfortunately, TikTok is playing the devil’s advocate and TikTok posts have now turned into an object of hatred in society. People who are old enough to post there and adopt very irrational, absurd attitudes and make inane posts to raise awareness; I do not see these as an area of ​​freedom. I see this place as a place that has completely moved away from human values, not local and national values, but a total separation from universal values ​​and a great alienation. It is not possible to accept these. I would like to call out again to TikTok’s representatives in Türkiye and global network providers, I never accept what TikTok has done. “I never approve of these posts, and I, like the whole society, expect TikTok to have a publishing policy that is in line with Turkey’s moral values, moral values, traditions and customs, especially the community rules.”

Time will tell whether there will be a move against TikTok after Instagram and Roblox. However, it would not be wrong to say that the closure of two such popular platforms will receive great reactions from users.


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Source link: https://www.webtekno.com/dijital-mecralar-komisyonu-baskani-tiktok-aciklama-h147585.html