Turkey’s global technology brand serving in the field of mobility Trainstarted to introduce its last campaign of the year to users. 12 months with 0% interest for 800 thousand TL loan for T10X V2 during December, T10X V1
A 12-month option with 0% interest is offered for a loan of 600 thousand TL. There is also 2.80% interest and 36-month financing support for corporate customers for a loan of 1,500,000 TL.
Turkey’s first innately electric device
T10XThe last campaign of the year started in . Bringing T10X to users with different financing advantages throughout the year
Trainoffers attractive options to consumers in December. Within the scope of the campaign, individual users will be able to choose the option of 12 months with 0% interest or 30 months with 2.29% interest for a loan of 800 thousand TL for T10X V2, or the option of 12 months with 0% interest or 30 months with 2.29% interest for a loan of 600 thousand TL for T10X V1. Corporate customers, on the other hand, will be able to benefit from 12 months with 0% interest for a loan of 800 thousand TL for T10X V2, as well as 24 months with 1.49% interest, 36 months with 2.19% interest and 48 months with 2.49 interest. Corporate customers will be able to use the same interest and maturity options for T10X V1, which offers a loan of 600 thousand TL.
Financial support for corporate customers up to 1,500,000 TL
TrainIn its last campaign of the year, it also expanded the scope of commercial financing support for its corporate customers. Accordingly, the option of 36 months with 2.80% interest or 48 months with 2.97% interest will be offered for a 1,500,000 TL loan valid for T10X in contracted banks.
Source link: https://www.teknolojioku.com/otomotiv/togg-bombayi-patlatti-boyle-kampanya-bir-daha-gelmez-674ec77deb86f18e7201e987