Created by Steven Knight A Thousand Blows, It will meet the audience on February 21. The series will be broadcast on the Hulu platform in the USA, and will come to Disney + outside the USA.
A Thousand Blows is a Period Drama Like Peaky Blinders
A Thousand Blows, both in its tone and It looks close to Peaky Blinders with its story It differs from Knight’s other series in this way. A Thousand Blows, a period drama like Peaky Blinders, takes viewers to 1880s London. At the center of the story is a young boxer who is drawn into the criminal world after coming to London from Jamaica. The official synopsis of the series shared by Hulu is as follows:
“Hezekiah and Alec, two Jamaican friends, suddenly find themselves in the criminal underworld of London’s ruthless East End. Here they meet Mary Carr, the leader of the all-female gang The Forty Elephants, and boxer Sugar Goodson, the star of the underworld. This encounter turns “It will cause a conflict between the old world and the new.”
Malachi Kirby, Francis Lovehall ve Stephen GrahamErin Doherty, Jason Tobin, James Nelson-Joyce and Hannah Walters also star in the series.
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