Playing an important role in Turkey’s digital transformation, Türk Telekom became the first operator to try the new generation 800GE data transmission technology by carrying live traffic over long distances. In the tests carried out between Istanbul and Ankara, a connection speed of 800 Gbps was reached.
Türk Telekom reached 800 Gbps speed with 800GE!
In this important trial carried out in cooperation with Nokia, speeds that were 2 times higher than existing data transmission technologies were achieved. At the same time, energy savings of 44 percent were achieved. Thanks to this technology developed for the future, digital business processes will be able to be carried out uninterruptedly and efficiently, and voice, video and data services will be offered in an integrated structure.
It will play an important role in meeting the new needs that will arise in all areas of business and private life, especially public security, smart cities, smart vehicles, smart transportation, smart health and Industry 4.0 applications.
Türk Telekom Support Services and Purchasing Management Deputy General Manager Mehmet Beytur said the following in his statement on the subject:
“By strengthening our network with the most advanced fiber optic technologies, we will be able to easily meet the increasing demands of our individual and corporate customers in the future as well as today. In our tests, we connected two big cities such as Istanbul and Ankara to each other with a high speed of 800 Gbps. These speeds we have achieved will enable more efficient use of many vertical market applications such as transportation, digital gaming, automotive, energy, food, agriculture, smart city management, health and production.
“We aim to provide quality and diverse sustainable services to our customers with higher speed, capacity and energy-saving technologies. This technology allows reaching 2 times higher speeds and also provides energy savings of approximately 44 percent.
In our tests, we connected two big cities such as Istanbul and Ankara with a high speed of 800 Gbps. “These speeds we have achieved will enable more efficient use of many vertical market applications such as transportation, digital gaming, automotive, energy, food and agriculture, smart city management, health and production.”
Nokia Türkiye General Manager Erensoy Bilgin said: he said:
“Enabled on 7750 SR routers with Nokia’s F5 technology, 800GE adds the capacity service providers need to keep up with traffic demand and deliver differentiated services at scale. “We are proud to be able to prove both the performance of the technology and energy efficiency over a long-distance connection for the first time in Turkey, together with Türk Telekom.”
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