Türksat 6A will begin service in November
Turksat 6A The antennas will be opened here for the first time and their tests will be carried out. After the verifications to be made here for 3 months, Türksat 6A will move to 42 degrees east orbit in October, where it will serve for 15 years.
Minister of Industry and Technology Mehmet Fatih Kacır, Türksat 6A At 35 thousand 786 kilometersannounced that it settled in the 50-degree east orbit, which is the test orbit, and that the payload antennas that will expand its area were successfully deployed.
Kacır, in his post on his social media account, said: “Türksat 6A settled into a 50-degree east orbit, which is a test orbit at 35 thousand 786 kilometers. After approximately 3 months of tests, it will depart for its main orbit, a 42-degree east orbit.
The payload antennas on our satellite, which will expand Turkey’s communication coverage area, were successfully deployed today. “I congratulate all our teams who have done a flawless job so far.” he said.
Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Abdulkadir Uraloğlu also reported that Türksat 6A reached its temporary orbit of 50 degrees east. Uraloğlu, in his post on his social media account: “Türksat 6A, the carrier of Ayyıldız and our first local and national communication satellite, has reached its temporary orbit of 50 degrees east. Türksat 6A’s antennas will be opened for the first time and tests will be carried out here.
Thus, as Türkiye, we will protect our rights in the 50 degrees east orbit. After the verifications to be made here for 3 months, our satellite will move to 42 degrees east orbit in October, where it will serve for 15 years. Our joy and pride increases as Türksat 6A moves into space. “We are happy, we are enthusiastic, we are proud.” he said.
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Source link: https://www.donanimhaber.com/turksat-6a-test-yorungesine-basariyla-yerlesti–179721