A week after Intel announced plans to improve the manufacturing process for next-generation computer chips, it introduced two new processors. The new chips include Intel’s latest Xeon processor, codenamed Granite Rapids-D, which will be released in 2025, and Sierra Forest, which will be released in the second half of this year. With these processors, the company aims to use artificial intelligence in every field to modernize its customers’ 5G and corporate infrastructures.
Granite Rapids-D, will help Intel expand its position in virtual radio access network workloads and build on the success of 4th Gen Intel Xeon Processors with Intel vRAN Boost, also known as Sapphire Rapids EE. The company said these legacy chips double the capacity of vRAN workloads compared to their previous generation silicon, allowing network operators to double the number of cell sites they operate or subscribers they can support while reducing vRAN processing power consumption by up to 20 percent.
Intel said Granite Rapids-D will significantly increase these performance gains, enabling customers to reduce vRAN costs and deliver these networks on a much larger, global scale.
According to Intel’s statement, although customers will have to wait a while to have Granite Rapids-D processors, they will be able to access Sierra Forest processors, which are planned to be released in the second half of the year, much earlier. Sierra ForestIt will feature up to 288 cores and use the company’s latest e-core technology to help vRAN network operators achieve 2.7x performance gains per rack for 5G workloads.
Sierra Forest CPUs will also include an updated version of Intel Infrastructure Power Manager software, which was first released last year. This will help customers leverage built-in telemetry to reduce power consumption without experiencing any degradation in key performance metrics such as throughput, latency, and packet drop.
In addition to all these, let us also remind you that Intel recently made a multi-billion dollar agreement with Microsoft for chip production. According to this agreement, Intel will produce special chips designed for Microsoft.
Source link: https://webrazzi.com/2024/02/26/intel-den-yapay-zeka-icin-iki-yeni-islemci-sierra-forest-ve-granite-rapids-d-xeon/
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