The home page refresh feature, which Instagram users have been complaining about for years, is being overhauled. In this system, which used to work very stable, it is no longer possible to find a post that we have seen once, if we miss it. Now Instagram’s algorithm has taken over. When you refresh the page, you see the content creators that Instagram recommends, probably people you are not related to. These suggestions often take up more than half of your Instagram experience. “I Can’t Find Where I Stay” Syndrome Here’s the comment from a user complaining about this “problem”: I turn on focus mode and limit apps like Instagram while working. During a short break, I turn off my mood and browse Instagram for a few minutes. Let’s say I’m watching a great reel and the app closes because the timer is up. I immediately turn it back on, but what do I see? The reel has flown away! Which post, which reel, was I looking at? I’m trying to go back and find it, but unfortunately I can’t find anything. Worse, the app has an overly sensitive refresh system. It can refresh the stream even when you change an app, and it does this even if background refresh is turned off. Will Instagram be able to solve this problem? In the early days of the application, the posts of the people you followed appeared in chronological order. When you refreshed, the most recent posts would come to the top. There were fewer ads, suggested posts were almost non-existent, and everything was simpler. Instagram wing will take into account the complaints and will soon take steps to improve the user experience, but the details of what solution it will offer are not yet clear. Instagram users want to have a freer, more enjoyable experience. If something were to change, the priority would be the complex posts provided by the algorithm, followed by the renewal system working with extreme precision. Are you one of those who suffer from this issue? We welcome comments!
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