Vivo has also expanded its smartwatch range with the launch of the S19 series smartphones. Vivo Watch GT, the brand’s latest product, comes with all the necessary features for health tracking as well as a few additional features. It also includes many useful features. Meanwhile, Vivo also recently announced the ECG version of the Watch 3. Here’s everything you need to know about Watch GT.
Vivo Watch GT has a square dial with a matte aluminum alloy middle frame and a stainless steel rotating crown on the right side. It has a 1.85 inch screen with a resolution of 390 x 450 pixels. The smart watch has an AI watch face feature that allows you to create a watch face with voice command.
Health-focused features include heart rate and SpO2 sensor, sleep tracker, and menstrual cycle monitor. It also has the ability to measure stress levels. The watch also offers a noise detection feature that warns you to move to a quieter area at high noise levels. The device provides support for more than 100 sports modes. It also offers sports coaching services in four modes: basic promotion, fat burning, stress relief and endurance training.
Vivo Watch GT runs on the BlueOS operating system. It has AI Shorthand feature that allows you to record your thoughts in real time. It also features AI Smart Window, which reads the latest updates about flights, trains, taxis and movies and displays them at the top of the watch face. Practical features such as NFC card holders, fast QR code and fast cards are also available.
Vivo Watch GT, which has a battery capacity of 505mAh, offers 21 days of usage time in standby mode and 10 days of normal use. With eSIM support, it allows you to make calls without needing a smartphone. The leather strap version of Vivo Watch GT is available for $123, and the soft rubber strap version is available for $110.
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