Undiscovered for 18 years
Although the effects and scope of the Sinkclose vulnerability are huge, there is one thing that is good for AMD: This vulnerability is Undiscovered for 18 years And according to experts, probably no one exploited this vulnerability. On the other hand, Sinkclose is also invisible against operating system-level protections such as anti-virus, anti-malware and anti-cheat solutions commonly used in online games. Another good news is that the vulnerability is difficult to exploit. To exploit the vulnerability, the attacker must first gain access to the system’s kernel.
Sinkclose vulnerability allows hackers to hack AMD processors System Management Mode It allows you to run code in (SMM). For those who don’t know, this area is a high-privilege area usually reserved for critical firmware operations. Once this access is gained, the Sinkclose vulnerability is a vulnerability that avoids detection by standard antivirus tools, remains virtually invisible within the system, and can persist even after the operating system is reinstalled. bootkit allows malware to be installed.
In some cases, a successful attack can persist despite a complete reinstallation of the operating system. In these scenarios, an affected machine may need to be completely replaced rather than the typical malware removal and fix process.
AMD started releasing fixes
However, the Sinkclose vulnerability was reported to AMD approximately 10 months before it was made public, and the company responded to the vulnerability for EPYC and Ryzen processors. mitigating measures It has already started publishing. AMD says additional mitigations will also be coming for embedded processors and other products.
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Source link: https://www.donanimhaber.com/2006-dan-bu-yana-tum-amd-islemcilerinde-guvenlik-acigi-bulundu–180584