Samsung, Galaxy Although it has started the One UI 7 beta process for its devices, this process is progressing slower compared to previous years. The company usually launches new Android updates in beta on its flagship Galaxy S series devices first and then rolls it out to other models, releasing stable versions on all devices. However, this year, it seems that this usual order has been broken in the distribution of One UI 7.
Under normal circumstances, the One UI 7 beta version was expected to start in October. However, the process was postponed for various reasons and was finally completed on December 5. Galaxy S24 Released for the series. A second beta update followed on December 16th. However, the beta program has so far been limited to the Galaxy S24 series only and has not been extended to other models. This may be a disappointment for users who are accustomed to Samsung’s past update strategy.
The holiday period can be shown as one of the reasons for Samsung’s delay. The fact that many employees were on leave in December may have slowed down the development and testing processes. However, there is no definitive information yet that the beta process will be expanded to other devices. With this, One UI 7’nin It has been confirmed by the company that the stable version will be released in February along with the Galaxy S25 series. This shows that the update will primarily focus on new flagship devices.
According to some rumors, Samsung’a It is claimed that this year the beta process may be limited to the Galaxy S24 series. Although these claims are not fully confirmed, there is a possibility that the company will not expand the beta process in order to focus on the upcoming Galaxy S25 series launch. However, this does not mean that the final version of One UI 7 will not reach other Galaxy devices.
In summaryThe beta process of One UI 7 is progressing in a more limited way this year, and this strategic change by Samsung may be based on factors such as both timing and resource management. It is still unclear whether the beta program will be opened to other devices in the near future. However, it is thought that users will see the new Android update on a wider range of devices with the release of the Galaxy S25 series.
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