We went to the huge shopping mall where technology products are sold in Taipei, the capital of Taiwan, and got the prices of many products for you, from laptops to graphics cards, from cameras to keyboards.
When we went to Taiwan, one of the first countries that come to mind when it comes to technology, for Intel’s new processors and Computex 2024, we wondered about the prices of technological products in the country and hit the road. As we approached the end of the 90s, Yazıcıoğlu Business Center in Istanbul was famous as the place where computers and related hardware could be found most. We entered a technology shopping mall in Taipei, the capital of Taiwan, which is as large as the size of approximately 10 Yazıcıoğlu shopping malls, and in this VLOG, we investigated the prices of the first things that come to mind in terms of technology.
Will the prices of computer equipment in Taiwan, which is home to many giant brands such as ASUS, Gigabyte and MSI and always has an important place in the world technology agenda with its TMSC chip factory, surprise you?
Source link: https://www.donanimhaber.com/tayvan-da-teknolojik-urunlerin-fiyatlari-ne-kadar–179368