Creating an extraordinary view with its huge mirrors rising in the middle of the desert and towers reaching towards the sky, the Ivanpah Solar Energy Facility is a marvel of engineering, even though it looks like something out of a science fiction movie.
With its innovative technology and future to sustainable energy systems This illuminating facility has economic and environmental dimensions as well as the benefits it provides.
world’s largest Let’s take a closer look at all the details of the facility, which is also the target of criticism.
Ivanpah is a solar power plant located in California’s Mojave Desert, which became operational in 2014.
Thesis, 392 megawatts With its (MW) production capacity, it produces power to meet the electricity needs of approximately 140,000 homes. The facility, which was jointly developed by NRG Energy and BrightSource Energy, two of the leading companies in the renewable energy sector, as well as Google, is approximately With an investment of 2.2 billion dollars was implemented.
How does the Ivanpah Solar Facility work?
Ivanpah’s technology, unlike traditional photovoltaic panels concentrated solar power (CSP) It is based on the system. In the facility, 173,500 giant mirrors called heliostatsfocuses sunlight onto receivers in three large towers.
Receivers located in each tower also use focused sunlight. turns water into steam. High-pressure steam produces electricity by turning turbines. While the intensity of the sun is used at the maximum level, the energy production process is carried out with high efficiency.
Ivanpah’s cost was quite high.
Although it attracted attention with its cost, it set an example in terms of technology development efforts for the renewable energy sector. By increasing diversity in electricity production with concentrated solar energy technology to energy security contribution was made.
The facility contributed to the region in terms of workforce as well as technological innovation. Even though thousands of people are employed during the construction and operation phases, high investment costs and lower than expected production efficiency brought about some economic criticism.
While it has environmental benefits, it also causes controversy.
One of the features that makes Ivanpah stand out is that it reduces dependence on fossil fuels by preventing the emission of approximately 400 thousand tons of carbon dioxide every year. This figure is actually Equivalent to removing 72 thousand vehicles from traffic It means an environmental benefit. In addition, natural resources are protected thanks to renewable energy production.
But not everything is so rosy. The fact that a large amount of land was used in the construction of the facility natural habitats has also been affected.
Just as the animal population is decreasing, local people also have complaints.
Especially with sunlight focused by mirror systems birds burn to death An issue that is frequently criticized. Due to the bulldozing of 600 acres, lizards, American wild sheep and desert tortoises The impact of populations also adds to the problems.
Due to excessive water usage local wells drying up Another detail complained about by area residents.
many sacred indigenous area Its demolition with a bulldozer drew the reaction of some nations.
Ivanpah had difficulty reaching its targeted production capacity in the first years of its operation.
Especially due to cloudy weather conditions and technological disruptions, the expected annual production about half met. Although this balance was corrected in 2017, in 2016 one of the towers burned down due to misaligned mirrors and was disabled for a short time.
In addition, the facility is operated with natural gas support, “all green energy” It also overshadows his claims.
In conclusion, although the Ivanpah Solar Facility is a turning point in the field of renewable energy, this model needs to be fully sustainable. environmental and economic problems need to be solved.
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