Apple today iOS 18 Released Beta 5 version. This time, the company has not only made improvements in this version, but also added some notable new features. The Photos app has received a few minor changes, along with design updates and an all-new Safari option. Here are all the innovations…
What’s new with iOS 18 Beta 5?
Apple responds to user feedback with iOS 18 Beta 5 update Photos Made some design changes in the application. The carousel menu for switching between different Collections from the main Photos grid has been completely removed.
Apple adds a new version to Safari Hide Distractions added the feature. This feature will allow iPhone users to hide distracting elements on a web page. Elements such as login windows, cookie preference pop-ups, GDPR notifications, newsletter sign-up banners and auto-play videos can be hidden. Although this feature does not hide dynamic elements, it can be used to temporarily hide static page elements.
By long pressing on the home screen “EditWhen you select ” option, a new “Edit Pages” There is an option. With this setting you can delete or hide all Home Screen pages from view. This is the same interface accessible by tapping the three dots in Home Screen editing mode, but clearer and better labeled.
Apple with iOS 18 Beta 5 version Dark Mode He also made some changes to the options. The Maps and Find app icons have been redesigned. maps icon now available in black, white, gray and blue, while the Find icon has more distinctive green rings. apple, Control Center made changes to the design of its icons. A lot the icon is bigger It has graphics. Here are the applications with renewed icons:
- Voice Memos
- Stopwatch
- Airplane Mode
- House
- Remote control
- Shortcuts Open App option
- Calculator
- Code Scanner
- Magnifying glass
- Purse
- Tap for Cash
Screen Orientation Lock, Screen Recording, Screen Mirroring, Cellular Data, and many other accessibility icons have also been redesigned. What do you think about these innovations? You can write your opinions about these innovations in iOS 18 Beta 5 in the comments section below.
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