The oceans, only 5% of which we have yet discovered, are undoubtedly full of unique creatures. Scientists continue to decipher the characteristics of these creatures they can detect. Just like they spotted the fastest animal in the oceans.
For creatures that survive in mysterious waters, speed is It is important. In this way, they can reach their prey in a much shorter time and quickly escape from their enemies in the area they are in.
Alright Which is the fastest creature in the oceans?
The fastest of the oceans and seas are considered sailfish.
The reason why they carry this title with pride is their extraordinary adaptations and evolutionary prowess has. These fish, which live in the warm waters of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, can reach speeds of 110 kilometers per hour.
Also representing hydrodynamic efficiency They have an aerodynamic structure. Their strong, rapidly contracting muscles propel them into the water at speeds that peak during short-term, high-speed pursuits.
On the other hand, what distinguishes this species from others is its numerous fins arranged along its elegant body.
The sail-like dorsal fins and pectoral fins protruding from the sides, from which it takes its name, maneuverability and stability It has a very important function in terms of
Meanwhile, their tail fins are used to reach the highest speeds. provides the necessary thrust force. Again, the bony spines on their outer surfaces provide an additional contribution to their structural integrity, allowing bursts of speed that fascinate all of us.
Finally, the sail-like dorsal fins of these speed-loving animals provide an alternative use. While it helps them cut water with minimum resistance, sometimes It is also a tool to scare away predators.
Kaynaklar: how stuff works, IFL Science
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