Have you ever thought about what could happen if Türkiye had joined World War II? Artificial intelligence answers for us…
II. Türkiye under the leadership of Turkey, İsmet İnönü in World War II active neutrality policy He managed to avoid great destruction by monitoring, but if Türkiye had joined the war, the fate of the country, the course of the war and the world balances could have changed radically.
Of course, different scenarios were shaped depending on which side of the war. Let’s tell us what these possible scenarios are artificial intelligence!
Türkiye, on the side of the allies (USA, England, Soviet Union) if the war participated in the war…
Turkey’s participation in the allies would mean a new front for Germany. Nazi Germany and its allies (Bulgaria, Romania) can attack Turkey, Thrace and Aegean The coast could be faced with the threat of occupation.
Turkey cooperates with the Soviet Union against Germany A front in the Caucasus could open. This could weaken the power of the Nazi armies in the wars of Moscow and Stalingrad.
Turkey to keep the war economy to a large extent to keep the economy weapons, ammunition and financial aid could be done. The US’s Lend-Lease (Borrowing Ver-Kirala) program could provide important resources to Turkey.
Turkey is active in the Mediterranean, under the German occupation of the British To gain advantage on Greece and Adriatic coast could have provided.
After the war, Türkiye, the Soviet Union participated in the allies Rights claims on Kars and Ardahan It could be even stronger.
Türkiye can establish more powerful relationships with Western European countries because it is on the victorious side of the war. He could have joined NATO much earlier.
Türkiye, on the German side (Nazi Germany and the Axis State) had participated in the war…
The Turks could join the Barbarossa Operation initiated by Germany in 1941 against the Soviets and try to enter the Caucasus via Georgia and Armenia. However, the opposing attack of the Soviet Red Army, A big risk for Türkiye it would create.
If Türkiye moved with Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union could have started a major attack against Turkey later. Especially after 1943, with the weakening of Germany, Turkey’s defense became very difficult.
If we entered the war with Germany, the British to protect their territory in the Middle East A great war against Turkey could open.
Turkey’s place on the German side, after the war can change the balance of power in the Middle East, perhaps perhaps Developments in Palestine He could give a different direction.
With the defeat of Germany in 1945, Türkiye may have to pay heavy war compensation, perhaps invading The influence of the Soviet Union He could go under.
The Soviets could invade Turkey after the war and annex the eastern provinces. In the West, Greece and Bulgaria TURKEY’den land demands could be found.
“Turkey’s impartiality was the right decision?” they have to say about:
Türkiye may have been destroyed if it had joined the war and He could have lost hundreds of thousands of soldiers.
If it were on the allies side, it could go to a strong position after the war, but With the Soviet threat He might have to confront earlier.
Germany on the side of the war, Türkiye occupation, division and economic collapse He could face.
Staying impartially allowed him to avoid the destructive effects of war. However, after the war, Türkiye, By joining NATO and Western Bloc He had to protect himself from new threats.
As a result, the fact that Turkey did not enter the war enabled it to avoid destruction and occupation. However, this decision is new in the post -war period Diplomatic and Military Risks brought.
Finally, artificial intelligence directs us a question:
Would you think that Turkey’s participation in the war would have a better result, or was it the right choice to stay neutral?
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Source link: https://www.webtekno.com/turkiye-ikinci-dunya-savasina-katilsaydi-h155133.html