There are some brands that when they offer any new product or service, they are already one step ahead in the eyes of consumers. So, which brands of cars would we buy without hesitation?
Apple, Google and Microsoft and some similar brands not only meet the needs of customers with the products and services they offer, but also part of their lifestyle They manage to become.
We thought from here. Which brands produce cars? Would we prefer it without question? If these brands, which have gained our trust and have a place in our lives, stepped into the automobile industry, their cars would be what would it look like?
Let’s start with Apple, which stands out with its innovation.
Of course, its rival Samsung is also on this list with its superior technology and the trust it gives to its consumers.
We think that Microsoft, one of the most valuable companies in the world, will make its difference in the automotive industry.
Google, the leader in its field, will probably be appreciated with an innovative tool it will offer.
OpenAI, which will transfer a different artificial intelligence experience to the driving experience:
“You drifted 5 times this year.” Spotify will give you an annual summary like:
Sony, which has managed to become one of the giants in almost every sector it operates in:
Nintendo, where we will see a fun and innovative approach to its vehicles:
Potential to make a name for itself in the sports car field with its sporty and energetic image: Nike
Sporty and brave, Adidas is a candidate to become an important player in the automotive industry.
That’s the kind of thing you hear at the gas station, “Would you like extra juice?” If you can afford their jokes, you can choose Starbucks’ car.
Imagine, you can change the design of your car whenever you get bored. If Lego produces vehicles, why not?
Representing durability and trust, Stanley would be among the brands that would be preferred immediately if it produced cars!
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