WhatsApp brings a big innovation for those who like to organize events in community chats. Platform, Android started testing the feature of determining event duration for its users. Thanks to this new feature, you will be able to easily set the start and end times of events and add location information in your community chats.
It will now be possible to set activity duration in WhatsApp community chats
WhatsApp provides great convenience to its users in planning and organizing with the event feature it offers specifically for community chats. This new feature will be very useful, especially when multiple events are planned within communities. Now Android users will be able to set the start and end times of events, add a location and search link to the event.
It first introduced the event editing feature in May and started offering it to Android beta users as of June. This innovation continues to be tested in the beta version of WhatsApp, and a similar feature is being worked on for community announcement groups. This feature, currently included in WhatsApp’s Android beta version, allows community members to manage events more effectively.
It is not yet clear when WhatsApp will activate this feature for all users. However, Android users who want to try the innovations early can test these features by joining WhatsApp’s beta program. This new event timing feature could be a big step towards more organized and planned community management on WhatsApp. What do you think about this new feature?
Source link: https://shiftdelete.net/whatsapp-etkinlik-duzenleme-yenilik