Apple, which has become a technology giant, applies various marketing strategies to encourage the purchase of its products and accessories, even though we are not aware of it. With its latest move, the company includes Amazon in this circle.
When you want to review or buy any Apple product, use Amazon. For example, there is something that distinguishes it from companies such as Hepsiburada and Trendyol. Ads!
Well, while browsing Apple products on Amazon, Why do we see less ads of other brands?
Amazon started to change its marketing and advertising strategies, which it had been pursuing for years, at some point about a year ago.
For example, when you search for an iPhone 15 on Amazon, you will see the banner at the top of the page with ads. We started to see a different product of Apple, not a device of any brand. It is also possible to encounter the same result in the bottom banner section.
But when you search for a non-Apple device like a Samsung Galaxy S23, You can see other product and service advertisements of the brand in the results section.
On the other hand, when you make a search about Apple, there is a general decrease in ads.
Likewise, there are often sections at the bottom of the page filled with recommended products of other brands. In searches for products of companies such as Samsung It is not possible for you to encounter the same situation.
The reason for all this is From an agreement made by Apple in 2008 is caused by.
According to Amazon’s former retail chief Jeff Wilke, this situation will reduce Apple’s sales, for not wanting to see rival brands on search and detail pages. It comes from a marketing strategy he made.
Apple spokesman Fred Sainz also publicly confirms that this is a sales strategy.
In other words, in searches for Apple’s products, its customers: He does this deliberately to avoid encountering different brands.
But because Apple blocks Amazon’s right to advertise Whether he paid any compensation or fees to Amazon is among the question marks.
Ultimately, Amazon’s changing advertising strategies and loss of advertising revenue Apple must make compensation for this.
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