We often see that there are strange and transparent creatures in the depths of the sea. It is almost impossible to encounter such a creature on land!
While there are transparent creatures in the sea If you think there are no such creatures on land, you are wrong.
Actually transparent creatures that also exist on land, They don’t appear that way to us, thanks to a little illusion. So how does it happen? Let’s explain.
Transparent creatures in the sea are much more common than those we see on land.
These creatures we see are protection from predators or hunters In addition, they have evolved the feature of transparency to increase their hunting abilities.
Firstly, refractive index of sea water We need to mention that it is very different from the materials found on land. Seawater has a much higher refractive index than air. This allows transparent creatures underwater to evolve in a way that minimally affects the journey of light through water.
Thus, they hide by misleading the visual perception of their predators.
On land, the situation is a little different. Air, unlike water, has a low has a refractive index. Therefore, being transparent in the terrestrial environment does not make it easier for light to pass through materials on land. On the contrary, when in contact with air, the reflection or refraction of light is more evident and a transparent structure becomes visible to the eye.
In this case, hunters hiding or hunting abilities Being transparent to increase revenue is not a very effective strategy on the ground.
Of course, being transparent in terrestrial life also has its disadvantages.
brightness of sunlight or environmental factors may make a transparent organism more visible or make them an easier target for predators.
As you can see transparent creatures in the sea, Thanks to the properties of water, they can effectively use self-disguise strategies. However, on land, different physical properties of the air environment limit this transparency.
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Source link: https://www.webtekno.com/karada-neden-seffaf-canlilar-yok-h146940.html